24 Hour Home Care

24 Hour Home Care

Covered Caregiver’s slogan does not ring more true than with 24 hour home care. When you or a loved one are in need of caregiving services, Covered Caregiver conducts a care assessment, provides a qualified live in caregiver that delivers a care plan, and gives personalized and custom care in the comfort of your own home.
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24 hour home care allows for the provision of a variety of tasks, from personal hygiene to medication reminders and range-of-motion assistance. Live-in caregivers emphasize care of a more substantial tone, ranging from companionship, socialization and emotional support. Families are granted peace of mind in the assurance that safety and well-being is always a top priority for their loved one.

In-Home Care Assessment

The following are the two important levels of care Covered Caregiver can provide, both targeted at providing the most appropriate and high quality non-medical live in home care towards maintaining independence, assisting in rehabilitation, and living each day to the fullest.


Live-in home care

Live in caregivers reside in the home and must be provided their own private quarters – including a room and separate bathroom. This allows for live in senior care to be focused and individualized and with a more consistent caregiver presence.



When debilitating diseases and chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s or heart disease confine a person to around the clock care, at least two live in caregivers take on shifts, given the depth of care needed, and attend to a person’s care, appropriately.

Did You Know ?

According to Kaiser Health News, Medicare is penalizing a record number of hospitals for having too many patients return within 30 days for additional treatments.

These results are staggering with nearly 1 out of every 5 Medicare patients re-admitted within a month after hospitalization.

Let us help keep your loved one from falling into this trend! Let our certified caregivers successfully transition your family member back into their home with Covered Caregiver.



Road Map to Regaining Strength and Independence

It’s a life changing moment when you get the call that Mom or Dad is in the hospital. At first, it’s a panic as you scramble your thoughts, belongings and head over to see them. Within those first hours you come to a realization that things need to change for your parent. Sure, over the past year or so, their health hasn’t been the greatest – they may have slipped and fallen and/or had some other health scares, but at this moment in the hospital you know there needs to be a change.

Covered Caregiver steps right in with a Geriatric Care Manager — a health professional with education in the field and an abundance of experience working with the elderly and their families. They quickly specify the appropriate caregiving services, including a care plan, the perfect caregiver for your needs, and any senior-related resources offered by the State or County and coordinate health care services should they arise – such as recommending care from nurses and physical therapists who visit the home to arranging visits with the most respected physician specialist relevant to your family member’s condition. This can be done even prior to discharge from the hospital or skilled nursing facility.

Financially Feasible and Always Preferred

Even though knowing someone is present for your loved one at all times is priceless, when one thinks of the breadth of 24 hour home care with a live in caregiver, the financial concern becomes apparent. The fact is though, that live-in care is affordable and is competitive in cost to alternatives such as assisted living facilities. Research shows that these types of facilities can sometimes cost 2-3 times as much. In these facilities, companionship and emotional support is minimal at best since facility workers are crunched with numerous residents and can only make contact with your loved one on rotations for feeding and dispensing medication.

With flexible hourly, daily, and monthly rates available, any family can rest assured that affordability exists without compromising loss in quality care from an excellent live in caregiver.

Covered Caregiver’s 24 hour home care is regularly less than other home care companies’ rates and always less when compared to an assisted living facility.